Donate Today

Fighting - and winning - elections is expensive and your financial support now will make a real difference to our campaign.

We rely on donations like yours to help us fight for a better future for Scotland in the UK. Every pound you donate to our association will go towards campaigning for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party and in particular the fight against another divisive independence referendum.

  • £5 pays for 10 letters to recruit new members
  • £15 funds a leaflet campaign to 500 voters
  • £100 provides 5000 colour calling cards for doorstep canvassing
  • £200 buys 100 poster boards for local elections
  • £450 pays for telephone canvassing to 500 floating voters
  • £1,200 is the cost of a colour A3 newspaper
  • £25,000 would pay a full time campaign manager’s salary for a year

